OURY JALLOH – Information event

Who is Oury Jalloh?

What has happened on 7th January 2005 and why now, in 2017, everybody is talking about him? We invite you to an information event with the „Initiative in remembrance of Oury Jalloh“ who will talk about police brutality, institutional racism and the case itself.
The event will be held on English, French and/or German. Other translations can be self-organised (for example Portuguese).
Fell free to invite your friends.

This event shall be a preparation for the annual demonstration in Dessau on January the 7th 2018.

Tuesday the 12th December, 2017 at 4 pm – Hafenstraße 7, 06108 Halle (Saale)

For more information please visit: https://hafenstrasse7.noblogs.org/programm/?event_id1=104